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Naglee Park Beautification Committee

The Naglee Park Beautification Committee is dedicated to improving and maintaining the beauty of Naglee Park's public spaces through the work of neighborhood volunteers. Meetings are held once a month. Each spring, we organize Coffee in the Park, where we welcome new neighbors and reconnect with old neighbors and friends over coffee and pastries.

Watch this great video by SJSU student Marcus Guillam about Median Buddies, one of the projects the Beautification Committee oversees.


Currently, the Beautification Committee manages several activities, which are described below. New volunteers are warmly welcome. Our monthly meetings on the last Thursday of the month are open to all and we encourage you to attend. To learn more about the Beautification Committee meetings or to volunteer, please contact Chairperson Susan Snydal, beautification@nagleepark.org
New projects are welcome too! We’re open to and welcome your new approaches and energy! Please bring your ideas to a Beautification Committee meeting and we’ll discuss them.

Median Buddies

Median Buddies plant and maintain traffic-calming medians on a continuing basis throughout Naglee Park.

Median Buddies Coordinator: Bev Fitzwater, medians@nagleepark.org

Median Waterers

Naglee Park residents volunteer to water medians during the dry season.

Median Waterers Coordinator:  Lorene Sisson, waterers@nagleepark.org

Pastries in the Park

Meet neighbors and friends in William Street Park for pastries and conversation in the Spring (usually a Saturday in Apri). The Wildflower Gardens are at their best in spring. We especially welcome new Naglee Park neighbors. We are so glad you are here. This event is a great way to learn about everything the Naglee Park Campus Community Association is doing and how you can volunteer.

We offer an assortment of pastries from local bakeries and have children's activities. Please bring your favorite beverage of choice to enjoy with the pastries. We encourage you to bring a folding chair or a blanket to enjoy the morning in our beautiful park. Leashed pets are welcome.

Pastries in the Park Coordinator: Mital Bhakta, pastries@nagleepark.org

Anti-Litter and Anti-Grafitti

Volunteers cleanup litter on a continuing basis during the year throughout the Naglee Park neighborhood.

We also encourage all Naglee Park residents to use the very effective San Jose 311 app to report graffiti and illegal dumping.

Anti-Litter Coordinator:  Sheila McGann Tiedt, litter@nagleepark.org

Freeway Ramps

The Freeway Ramps Committee works with Caltrans to keep the 280 freeway on and off ramps at 10th and 11th Street as cleaned up as possible.

Currently, the Campus Commuity Association and Marianne Salas and Carl O’Brien are funding a contractor to remove litter monthly and to do limited vegetation control on these difficult ramps.

Freeway Ramps Coordinators: Sheila McGann-Tiedt and Susan Snydal, ramps@nagleepark.org

Homeless Encampments

The Homeless Encampment Committee works with Caltrans and the City of San Jose to resolve homeless issues on the ramps and around the neighborhood.

Homeless Encampments Coordinators: Sheila McGann-Tiedt and Susan Snydal, encampments@nagleepark.org

Wildflower Garden

Several years ago, Beautification funds enabled the Wildflower Garden Committee to plant trees, bushes, perennials and wildflowers in the northwest corner of William Street Park. Currently, weeding, mulching, watering the planting are attended to by the coordinator and volunteers.

Wildflower Garden Project Coordinator:  Anne-Marie Meredith, gardens@nagleepark.org

Donate Online!

Funds for the Beautification Committee are provided through the CCA and donations. When donating, select Beautifcation. Prefer to write a check? Make it payable to CCA and please write Beautification on the check. Send it to:

Fourth of July Fund
P.O. Box 90038
San Jose, CA 95109

The CCA is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation.

Donations to the CCA are tax deductible as allowed by law. Please consult with your tax advisor.