Home > Contact Us

Contact Us

The CCA maintains numerous email addresses for services and volunteers. These addresses will get your emails to the proper person even if the volunteer changes. For general questions or if you are unsure who to contact, email information@nagleepark.org

CCA Officers and Steering Committee

Board - ccaboard@nagleepark.org
President - president@nagleepark.org
Vice President - vp@nagleepark.org
Secretary - secretary@nagleepark.org
Treasurer - treasurer@nagleepark.org
Membership - membership@nagleepark.org

CCA Committees and Services

Bark in the Park - info@BarkSanJose.org
Beautification - ccabeautification@nagleepark.org
Email List - ccalistadmin@nagleepark.org
Fourth of July - ccafourth@nagleepark.org
Historic Inventory - aprilhal@aol.com
Land Use - executive@nagleepark.org
Open Studios - npos@nagleepark.org
Ready Naglee Park- ready@nagleepark.org
Web Site - webmaster@nagleepark.org
Web site Blog- blogadmin@nagleepark.org


Mailing Address and Phone

Campus Community Association

P.O. Box 90038

San Jose, CA 95109
